Friday, March 09, 2007

HouseBuilders in Atascadero

KingdomBuilders will be HouseBuilders this summer! Not changing the name...but actually building a house.

I'm pleased to announce that KingdomBuilders WtS will join Habitat for Humanities Apostle Build program (details below) for their Atascadero Project.

I'm so excited about this opportunity for a few reasons:

1. It sounds like a kick (I sit at a desk all day)

2. We as a church can help at least one family that is struggling with the insane housing market in our county.

3. Habitat requires the family that is buying (not getting for free) the house to build it along side us and the other churches that are helping out. (What a cool testimony!)

So here are some things you need to know for now.

  • Habitat through the Apostle Build is seeking 12 churches to partner with them to build the home(s) in Atascadero. (As of right now they only have 8 including us...if you know of any Church leaders in the area encourage them to join us! They can even team up to make one church...share the load.)

  • CalvarySLO, in faith, has committed to donating $8,000 towards the building of one of the Atascadero homes. If you feel led go ahead and send a check to CalvarySLO, PO Box 1463, SLO, CA 93405 or drop it in the agape box with Habitat Apostle Build in the memo line. (Just as an aside there are approx. 85 men on the KindomBuilders mail list. If we average $100 each we could meet the donation plus some!)

  • We've also signed up for 6 work days possibly starting in July 2007 and hopefully ending in December 2007. Like I said above we'll be able to build this home alongside the families that will be purchasing the home (at way below market value and very low interest rates). So look for this announcement coming this summer.

  • Last, we've also committed to feeding workers for 6 days through the building process. You can also help with this if you know any restaurants that would donate meals or you want to coordinate one of the meals. It can be when we have CalvarySLO men there or not.
Ok that's it for now. I can't wait until ground breaking! Hope you are as excited as we are!

We (Aaron Nesper and I) will be keeping you updated through the blog, Constant Contact, and church announcements. Also, check out Habitat SLO's website especially the part about Apostle Build and About (so you can see what Habitat is about and how they qualify home buyers).