Check out Matt 25:31-46
To follow up on Bryan's Message this last Sunday (If you didn't catch it check it here it will be up soon) here's a question: Are you a Sheep or a Goat? In other words are you Worshipping thru Service (WtS)? As Bryan put it is your Map large it the same Map that God has? We can so easily become self-centered and forget there is a family, neighborhood, world out there that needs our help!
Jesus is coming, if not death is. At that time the King will seperate the sheep from the goats. The sheep will be those who have fed the hungry, given water to the thirsty, invited strangers to their home, clothed the naked, helped the sick, and visited prisoners. The goats will have done none of that. Are you a sheep or a goat?
The reason we stress WtS (Worship thru Service) at KingdomBuilders is because we believe that men are uniquely designed to selflessly serve! We were designed to risk our lives, give our blood-sweat-tears, lend our strength to a cause higher than ourselves.
Just look at our bodies for goodness sake were we made with all this muscle mass to sit around and play X-Box? To be truthful many of us are bored out of our minds. We have nothing great or heroic to live for and the things we do live for don't fulfill. That's because we were made to serve...we were made to be sheep but we're living like goats.
So with that in mind and Bryan's Message still echoing in my soul here are some great opportunities to man up for the Kingdom. This is by no means an all inclusive list just stuff that might be more along the lines of being a sheep than a goat!
CalvarySLO - We have so many options just within our church body! (Most of these can be found on the CalvarySLO website)
-El Salvador: This is a great opportunity to put your muscles to good use for the Kingdom. There are some needy orphans and those that want to care for them that could use your help carving out a place of refuge! We will keep you updated on this project and hope that this can be something that KingdomBuilders can send men to.
-Big Buddies: Mentor a child right from the school that we meet in for Sunday services!
-KingdomBuilders WtS: From time to time we host WtS Events like Oil Changes for Single Moms/Ladies in need. We're working on some other ideas like helping AIDS patients with their home needs, feeding Homeless people in the Park, etc etc. If you are interested in heading something like this up let me know!
Samaritans Purse
I've recently read a couple of books by Franklin Graham, President and CEO of Samaritans Purse and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Believe you me this is a REAL mans man. He has a policy of never sending anyone through Samaritans Purse either volunteer or employee anywhere unless he is willing to go! And often he goes to places in the middle of civil wars or ethnic cleansing first ahead of any teams and before he asks for any support. These places usually hate Americans and bullets and land mines are the daily norm.
-Katrina Cleanup and Repair: The one opportunity they have for short term help is domestic. Samaritan's Purse has a real workload on their hands...they believe that it will take them through 2006 and well into 2007 to complete in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. They are especially needing guys with construction skills and even Architects and Engineers! If you are willing to lead a team of up to 15 for at least 3 days let me know and fill out the form on the page link above.
-Employment Listings: Get a load of some of their US and International Employment listings. One of the jobs posted internationaly requires "ability to operate for extended periods in very austere conditions, including travel on horseback." Sounds like an adventure to me!
Open Doors
This ministry was started by a man called Brother Andrew who smuggled Bibles across closed borders in Eastern Europe. They have many opportunities to strengthen the Persecuted church around the world. Some examples include Bible Courier (smuggling) in East Asia and giving your testimony in home churches in a persecuted country through an interpreter. It sounds very exciting and I hope to be able to do it some day.
Operation Mobilization
They have multiple opportunities to do all kinds of stuff all over the world! They are very creative in their approaches to evangelism from working the crowds at the FIFA World Cup in Germany to living/volunteering at a ski resort in Australia and witnessing to tourists! Check it out...sometimes they even have family type trips!
Lifewater International
Right here in San Luis Obispo an organization is dedicated to getting sustainable water to those who are thirsty around the world. Check it out!
Again this is a very small list of things that I've been able to look up. Whatever you do I would encourage you to widen your net and expand your domain. If you are a single man these opportunities are even more open to you!
Let me know if you are interested. I'll do anything I can to send KingdomBuilders all over the world to be sheep and not goats! Let's get out of our comfy seats and kick butt for the Lord!
11 years ago
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