Monday, July 31, 2006

Father Son Campout 2006a

Tabblo: Ring of Fire

This will be officially known as the Ring of Fire (you know that Johnny Cash song?). I had just finished talking about how God the Father publicly blessed his Son Jesus on two occasions; at the beginning of his ministry and towards the middle. After I was done Steve Anselm had us all speak blessings to our sons. These are the men and their boys as best as we could picture them. It was an amazing and poignant time!

... See my Tabblo>

We got home from the first Father Son Campout of the year (we might do another one depending on rain and all those kinds of considerations) and it was a blast!

Here are some highlights:

-Tent camping with our sons
-The constant danger of 3rd degree burns as boys played with the campfire
-My all meat diet all weekend long, interupted only by Steve Anselm's deep fried pancakes (they were fried in bacon fat so I figured they counted towards my diet plan)
-Our boys braving a seriously rocky trail to get to the gorge waterfall and pool
-Sat morning we talked about speaking blessing to our sons as God the Father did for Jesus...twice. Then we followed His example and with our sons on our laps except for the teenage sons we spoke a public blessing to them.
-Sun morning we learned about Trust, Obedience, and Discipline both from a father and son percpective
-Before we packed up we risked danger one more time on a trail no mother would love as it featured rocky and poison oak sheer cliffs on one side the entire time

I'm hoping to have pictures up soon check in this I get them i'll post them as Tabblo's. Thanks to all the men and their sons who participated. I know God is smiling!

Men and their boys:

Frank and Gabe Martin
Mic and Kyle Weedon
Tom and Marc Hadjiyane
Steve and Nate Anselm
Tom and Justin Cook
Noah and Ollie/Xander Brehio
James and Mitchell/Daniel Rey
Albert and Mason Ybarra
Larry and Christopher Zech
George and Riley Garcia
Sean and Ryan Brennan

Great Quotes:
"I just realised there are no girls here!" Ryan Brennan with a very wry look on his face...
"Are you sponsored by Coleman?" Albert to SuperCamper Noah who epitomized the saying "Be Prepared!"