Calling and equipping men to boldly build God's Kingdom.
That's our mission, it's what we, at CalvarySLO KingdomBuilders, are here to do. We've seen great growth in 2007 and we look forward to God doing even more in 2008, but it's all about building God's Kingdom. First in our hearts so that it will overflow into the lives of those in our sphere of influence; Family, Friends, People we work with, etc.
Let's look at what happened in 2007 and what we are looking forward to in 2008.
This is the area of Men's Small Groups and MENtoring/Discipleship.
There are a handful of faithful, let me say very faithful, men who lead three Small Groups and those are strong in the Lord. Mostly they are teaching through God's written word, but there are also book discussions. Either way they are all about strengthening Men's knowledge of God's word and their relationships with each other. So thanks Howie/Tim, Rob/Kevin, and Larry!
MENtoring/Discipleship is less strong. Honestly, I'm convicted about this area as I have neglected it. Pastor James has taken the charge and we have 2-3 men matched up with a MENtor and that's about it. But he is too busy to take this on long term.
The KingdomBuilders leaders got together and brainstormed some really cool ideas addressing this and also other parts of the ministry for 2008...look for a blog article about it once it solidifies a little more, but I'm real excited about it. Please pray that God would confirm that this is him and not us.
Aaron Nesper, our leader over Worship thru Service, has given a great perspective on 2007 as well as a preview for 2008. This is a great area within CalvarySLO KingdomBuilders praise God. It gives men a chance to worship by being handy or worship through using their muscles and sweating. It's great.
We look forward to the Habitat build coming up. I know that you keep hearing about it with nothing tangible, but we are all waiting for permits and stuff like that. Once we get the sign up sheets we will announce it to church and our mailing list.
We look forward to broadening this ministry in goes along with the MENtoring comments above so look for a blog/e-mail (if you are on our e-mail list) in the next week.
Part of our calling as leaders of CalvarySLO KingdomBuilders is to hold events that, well, build God's Kingdom. We had some great events this year; the first Super Bowl party, Father/Son campout, Married's vs. Singles Competitions, and of course the Men's Advance.
If you went to any of those events you know they were all special times with other men and God. I especially remember the Men's Advance evening service to this day, when Pastor Steve Stump Calvary Paso brought us God's message and so many of the men responded in a huge way. That is KingdomBuilding!
We have set plans for 2008, which we have given over to the Lord. In those plans are the annual Father/Son campout June 20th-22nd in Big Sur.
The big news is we are planning/praying about doing two Advances in 2008. We would do a mini-Advance in April that we are calling Spring Training and the theme would be Playing for Keeps. It's kind of like the Men's Conference we did a while back with the other Calvarys but we'll just do it with CalvarySLO. More to come on that, but the idea is spending a whole Saturday together. We have an application in to Paloma Creek Park in Atascadero for April 12th or any Saturday in April.
The full Men's Advance would be in the fall, in October (possibly weekend of the 11th). We have an application at Rancho Alegre, which is right off of the San Marcos pass in the Los Padres National Forest. The theme will be Putting Away Childish Things. Of course, more of this to come, but this will be the full weekend Friday night through Sunday morning.
One of the reasons for offering the two, Spring Training and Men's Advance, is to give more diverse opportunities (ie all day format and all weekend format) to grow closer to the Lord and the other men at CalvarySLO.
Josh Krumheuer has been a big help in this area. He has taken any task within events or even a whole event and run with it! He looks to be leaving for Vet school in the Spring so please pray for another helper to take his place in 2008. Thanks Josh and I can't wait to see what the Lord does in your life!
Aaron Wise has taken the ball and run with this area (pun intended). He too has posted his perspective on this. We've seen Men's basketball and softball teams compete in city leagues. The aim for this ministry is to be a witness to the other men that we'll be playing as well as grow closer to the other men at CalvarySLO on the team.
We look forward to continuing and expanding this ministry next year. I know that Wise wants to get a paintball day going so e-mail him if you are interested. I hope you'll consider joining one of the teams!
Last Word
I had the opportunity to visit a lot of church websites this last year for (mostly to invite them to the Men's Conference that didn't happen). The interesting thing was that Men's Ministry was not represented on most of them. Women's, Children, Youth Ministries they all had web space and prominent links on the main page as well as cool websites and things going on behind those links.
I'm glad the Lord has blessed CalvarySLO with not only a Men's Ministry but one that is strong with leaders that are serving and ministries that are...well ministering. I'm especially glad because I'm the first to admit I need KingdomBuilders more than it needs me!
So for 2008 I feel like God is saying more. He wants to bless us more, he wants more of his Kingdom in our lives, he wants us to bring the Kingdom to SLO and beyond. He wants us to find more ultimate pleasure in him...
I love this old praise song and I'll close with it.
More of You in my life
More love, more power
More of You in my life.
I will worship You with all of my heart
And I will worship You with all of my mind
And I will worship You with all of my strength
For you are my Lord
You are my Lord.
Josh, I can't wait to see what YOU do in your life.....
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