And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, "Let us rise up and build." So they strengthened their hands for the good work. Neh 2:18
I hope you like these synopses of the KingdomBuilders Leaders Bible Study. We go much deeper in the 1.5 hours that we have together than I can write here, but hopefully gives you the gist of what we discussed. This is actually the first time I've done an actual Bible Study. I usually do book discussions. It's been a real good learning experience for all of us!
Do you remember the old "Just Do It" campaign? I'm definitely that kinda guy and it has it's advantages and disadvantages. Yes things get started and going, but sometimes as far as the longevity factor it's just not there. So I've learned a great deal from Chapter 1 and the beginning of 2 about the wisdom of planning and praying.
In this passage, Nehemiah finishes up praying (for three days it seems) and planning (taking a recon tour of the wall).
Towards the end he finally unveils the plan to the people and gives his testimony of how the Lord's good hand has been upon him. This encourages the people because they've all lived a roller coaster ride of building the city/wall, stop building, build again, the king gives a decree to stop building. But hearing the miracles God has done through Nehemiah's life strengthens their hand and they start the work.
Praying and Planning is good, but some people get what's called paralysis by analysis and never act (or if we want to keep the P theme going they never Perform). I like the approach the Lord has given Nehemiah...all the Passion, Prayer, and Planning was all a prelude to and a focus toward Performing...actually getting started.
Praise the Lord he had a plan for our salvation and life...Jesus. Praise him still that in His timing he executed on that plan. With Christmas looming around the corner we celebrate the start of the salvation plan with the birth of a baby in a manger. I want to celebrate also by not merely being a hearer or planner, but also a doer.
11 years ago
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