WOW! What an amazing inaugural year for the Worship through Service Ministry!
Over the past year the men of Calvary SLO have faithfully volunteered their time to help people in need from our community. We got our first call to help from Family Care Network asking us to round up a group of men to help one of their clients move. That day more than 5 men showed up with trucks and, and most importantly, servants hearts to move the family of 4. Other highlights include moving Heather McMillan's mom into a new home, moving the Ramirez family into a new home, helping the Brennan's paint their home, painting the interior of another FCN family, painting the new prayer room @ the Pacheco location, fixing the plumbing and installing doors for other FCNI families, and also teaching a youngster how to fish!
Also as you may have heard, we've taken on a huge commitment with the SLO county Habitat for Humanity chapter in building 4 new homes in Atascadero. We are one of 12 "apostle" churches that are giving our time, strength, construction, cooking skills, and money to the building of the houses. As mentioned in a previous post, the ground breaking ceremony was last weekend which has risen our excitement to another level. The actual building/volunteering will be starting in early '08...I'll keep you informed!
On somewhat of a tangent, have you seen the old Harrison Ford movie "Witness"? He plays a cop that goes into an Amish community to protect a young boy who has witnessed a murder. The most amazing part of the movie (and why I write about it) is when Harrison is a witness to a barn raising. Basically, all the Amish community members come together as a body to construct a house for a newly married couple. I think it is one of the most inspiring events that I can imagine. What a perfect model for what this ministry hopes to accomplish...coming together as men to meet the needs of our community all the while worshiping our creator and all the blessings that he has given us! We're even getting to literally build a house this coming year!
Finally I want to personally thank every single person who has decided to put aside the normal weekend schedule to given their time and energy into serving our community and consequently, worshiping our Lord. As a church we often times focus our thoughts of worship to the playing and singing of music. While God certainly calls us to worship through those modalities we must also remember that God intended us to worship him by serving others. In '08 I hope to serve along all of you men! God's ambition in you has blessed our community more than we can ever know!
See you in '08
11 years ago
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