Tuesday, February 10, 2009



It is that time again, February is the month for us to register for softball if we all want to play again. A new year brings a "new" season which means the initial fee is a little steeper than later in the year when we will be a "returning" team.
Registration ends Friday Feb27th which means we need to work quickly if we are going to form a team. League Play begins March 16, below are the details we need to establish:
Monday Men's Lower is no longer available so we would have to decide between:
Monday - Men's Recreation (one step below Men's Lower, t-ball basically)
Wednesday - Men's Lower
Thursday - Men's Lower
Depending on how many guys we get to sign-up the fee for this first season will be:
12 players: $48/person
11 players: $52/person
10 players: $58/person

If you are interested email aaronmcfarland@hotmail.com and I'll start collecting a head count. If you want to play but not every week consider splitting time and entry fee with another player. We will need the money by Feb 27th.