Saturday, June 13, 2009

Men's Bag Lunch Bunch

Some of us men at CalvarySLO will be starting a men's group this Wed June 17th at noon. We'll be studying together through the parables that Jesus told.

This will be a little different as we will be requiring something from each of you that want to join us. Please read these guidelines carefully and make sure you agree before joining up with us. We look forward to meeting up with you.

  1. Active Participant: We will not have "teachers" per se, Rob Fitler and I will be facilitating. We need each of you to commit to:
    a. Reading the parable scheduled daily between each meeting.
    b. Study up on the parable (listen to a sermon, read a commentary or study guide, etc)
    -We are looking for God to speak into your life through each of these parables and to have you bring that to the group.

  2. Volunteer at CalvarySLO: We at KingdomBuilders are committed to not only equipping, but also calling you to advance God's Kingdom. So if you are already officially volunteering somewhere within CalvarySLO, come on out. If you are willing to find what opportunities are available and will commit to serving before the 10 week session is up, come on out.
Here are the particulars:

When: Wednesdays at 12pm
Where: CalvarySLO Building
What: The Parables Jesus Told
Who to Contact: Patrick Zalamea or Rob Fitler

Hope to see you there! I have found there is nothing like hanging out with a group of men humbly coming before His written word and serving along side each other...