Monday, September 28, 2009

Men's BBQ Oct 3rd

Face it men...we love to hang out and eat. Let's do that!

First: the food. This isn't going to be the usual tri-tip, garlic bread, beans (although that is SO good!). One of the chefs in the fellowship (Ray W.) will be Q'ing up something RAD!

Second: the fellowship. We'll be watching a REALLY cool film about God, the Bible, AND Astronomy. It's fascinating stuff, regarding the STAR the Magi followed, what was going on with the moon during Jesus crucification. Definitely good geek out time and then we'll worship the Lord who created the heavens!

Last: more fellowship. If you are interested in more fellowship (through competition), join us at Meadow Park for some Marrieds vs. Singles sand volleyball @3pm.

PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE EVENT!! Those who pre-register and pay will eat first!!!! (meaning you don't run the risk of us running out of food)

What's on the Menu?
-Marinated and seasoned grilled boneless chicken thighs
-Locally custom made to order sausage (prob chicken, may be pork or beef not sure yet)
-Marinated and seasoned grilled fresh veggies
-Cold Soda's for drinks

-Home made (Julie W's special recipe) chocolate, chocolate chip, fudge cake!
-We'll brew some coffee for the occasion!


Essay said...

Thanks for sharing, your blog is worth reading, nice post. Keep it up.