Monday, September 22, 2008

Men's Advance Location

On Sunday, a few of us went up to Rancho Alegre, Boy Scout Camp in the Los Padres forest near Santa Barbara to...well scout it out. I have been to the camp about half a dozen times, but never got an extensive tour due to other parties being at the camp when I visited.

This time it was abandoned so we were able to walk through:
  • all six (4 overflow if needed) dormatories (not great but clean, you'll w ant to bring an extra pad to sleep on or there should be extras to double up on, each man will probably get their own personal bunk bed)
  • the meeting/dining hall (pretty cool way better than Cambria, the PA works, but probably not for worship...we may do a lot outside)
  • the pool we won't get to use (long story)
  • the pond that is dried up until it rains again
  • the campfire area (think of the typical Boy Scout Camp bonfire area...yup that's it)
  • the outdoor chapel (pictured was at least 12 levels of aweso me)
  • the archery and shooting range (um 12 levels of awesome cubed!)
  • someone there told us about a 4 hour hike! (yeah 3 hours up 1 hour down...boooya)
  • oh yeah...the mosquitos scouted us...(note to self, bring mosquito repellant)
  • on the way I kept thinking how sweet it would be to ride my motorcycle there...
We ended our scouting trip with a time of prayer. That the Lord would annoint this place for all of the men that he calls to go Oct 10-12. That our time there would be "a kick in the pants." Meaning both a great time and an opportunity for God our Father to give us a swift kick in the pants where necessary. The theme is "Giving up Childish Ways (1 Cor 13:11).

I can't wait to see what the Lord does!

This is the actual sign you should look for, right after Lake Cachuma's on the right hand side when going towards Santa Barbara on the left hand side if coming from SB on HWY 154...


Anonymous said...

Sign me up for this awesome event! I wouldn't miss it for the world. C'mon boyz-- let's hit the boy scout camp! --Steve